We offer your company the opportunity to purchase ticket packages while also gaining visibility in the ice show’s program booklet, as well as on Helsingin Luistelijat’s social media channels and website. For example, the club’s Instagram account has 4,800 followers and a reach of 14,000.

Your company can also purchase a promotional space at Helsinki Ice Hall on the event day. Our event reaches a wide audience of families with children and figure skating enthusiasts from the Helsinki metropolitan area.

Become a sponsor!

Get tickets or become a sponsor of the ice show – Support an active lifestyle and the love of figure skating for children, youth, and adults! Reserve your tickets by choosing – BOOK A BUSINESS PACKAGE or by sending an email to

Package includes

  • Tickets
  • Company visibility on Helsingin Luistelijat’s social media channels
  • Your company’s logo on the iceshow’s front page and in the program booklet

Gold package

1 500€ = 120 tickets

Silver package​

1 000€ = 70 tickets

Bronze package​

500€ = 30 tickets

Exhibition and sales space at the event​


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